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2022 is wrapping up, and that means it’s time for New Year’s resolutions. Let’s apply what we’ve learned over the past year to set content marketing resolutions for 2023!

Use the source

Choosing sources is always a hot topic for marketing content. Useful, accurate, and reliable information can seem scarce on the internet. Choosing sources is a balancing act. You want to link to reliable and relevant content while simultaneously avoiding clickbait or — even worse — your competition. So if you can’t run with the first semi-relevant Google search result, how can you find, and use, online sources to enhance your marketing content?

Learn to analyze your sources. Imagine you’ve found a source you really like. It supports your point perfectly and even offers a useful statistic or two. But is it accurate? There are a few ways to tell. Industry sites are a prime source for reliable information. If you’re struggling to find a non-sketchy source, use Google’s “News” tab to filter your search, and then look for familiar publications. Every media source has its biases, but information from well-known news sources is more likely to be well researched and timely.

Don’t forget to link out to your sources. Linking out to credible sources lends legitimacy to your content, improves its searchability, and provides an easy way to credit information obtained from an outside source. Keep your source game on point with this short evaluation questionnaire:

  1. Is the material relevant?
  2. Is the content recent?
  3. Is the link reliable?
  4. Is the site reputable?

Develop an original [human] voice

What sets your content apart from your competitors? If you can’t think of anything, neither can your audience. To draw audience attention and engagement, your content needs to stand out.

As always, the easiest way to make your content appealing is to do the one thing only you can do: Be yourself. It sounds obvious, but your knowledge and perspective are unique. No one else has your voice, and letting your personality shine keeps your message from getting lost in the content crowd.

Marketing content is created for human consumption, so to get more [human] attention, let yourself and your content be more human. Brand messaging is often overshadowed by hyperformal or highly technical language. Shed the jargon and confusing acronyms in favor of accessibility. To create content for humans, try telling a story, offering relatable context, and keeping your voice genuine. Audiences are drawn to content that feels like it came from a real person. Your [human] content, and the solutions it offers, should organically relate to your [human] audience and the problems they’re looking to solve.

Be bold

Consider 2023 your opportunity to make bold moves with your marketing content. Branch out, shift your tone, share your opinions, and get creative.

Target new audiences with an original format or a new channel. Apply your expertise to industry issues, and take a stand on any points of controversy. Thought leaders don’t follow the crowd, and a fresh take or innovative idea is more appealing to an audience than the same old thing. A well-supported, expert opinion inspires engagement. So tell it like it is, watch your audience take notice, and keep the conversation going.

Finally, make the most of your marketing content with a proven content partner. Creating consistent, high-quality content takes an expert team of writers, designers, videographers, and editors who know your voice, understand your intent, and honor your vision.

Kick off the New Year with custom content created just for you by the A-Team at Then, sit back, relax, and consider it done.