Active Blogs is now Proven Content!
 800-720-5398 Email Proven Content
Email Proven Content

Client Endorsement Marketing Solution

Reduce resistance in your sales process

Overcome buyer hesitancy in any economic environment

Convert deals otherwise lost to competitors

Maximize your company’s most valuable marketing asset

Selling to new clients does not have to be difficult when you have a steady stream of trusted endorsements doing the heavy lifting for you. Your client endorsements are buried gold for marketing, especially in a difficult economic environment. While the trust in hiring new vendors has waned over time, the effectiveness of social proof and heightened credibility has skyrocketed.

client endorsement videos
case studies

This service level is perfect for B2B companies looking to fuel their marketing channels with client endorsement content for maximum exposure and credibility.

Your clients, affiliates, and partners are captured in interviews by us and crafted into a steady stream of videos, success stories, and visuals to actively distribute to your core channels like email, social media, sales reps, and any other outlets you have.

This program is a true done-for-you service in which our team of experts — marketers, writers, designers, videographers, programmers, and editors — handles the entire production process, from ideation to completion and deployment. We ensure all content aligns with your strategic objectives and is delivered on time.

What’s in the program?

Custom Video Client Interviews


Custom Written Client Interview & Success Story

Visually Animated Social Proof Posts

Ways to leverage your client endorsement program:

Company Website:

  • Homepage
  • Testimonials page
  • Case studies section
  • Product/service pages
  • Blog posts
  • Landing pages

Email Marketing:

  • Newsletters
  • Drip campaigns
  • Client success stories in emails
  • Email signatures

Social Media Platforms

Paid Advertising:

  • Google Ads (display testimonials in ads)
  • Social media ads (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram)
  • Sponsored content
  • Sales Collateral:
  • Brochures
  • Sales decks/presentations
  • Proposals
  • One-pagers
  • Product demos
  • Events:
  • Trade shows
  • Conferences
  • Webinars
  • Virtual events

Third-Party Platforms:

  • Review sites (G2, Capterra, Trustpilot)
  • Industry forums
  • Business directories


  • Influencer collaborations
  • Industry associations
  • Partner websites and newsletters

Public Relations:

  • Press releases
  • Media interviews
  • Industry publications

Internal Channels:

  • Internal newsletters
  • Employee training materials
  • Client onboarding materials

Is your company taking full advantage of…

  • Client testimonials: Satisfied customers willing to share their positive experiences and opinions, adding authenticity and legitimacy to your solutions and brand
  • Subject matter experts: Experts in your field lending their credibility and knowledge to endorse your products or services related to their area of expertise
  • External influencers: Your core industry authorities and trendsetters who have a significant following and influence over their audience and your target prospects
  • Internal influencers: Respected experts within your own company who are closely involved with the outcomes produced for clients
Client testimonials


  • Social proof is what sets you apart. Generic content doesn’t. Our team emphasizes social proof content with a customer- and partner-centric focus in various multimedia formats. We create undeniable proof to your high-value prospects and clients that you are the go-to solution!
  • Establishing credibility is not a one-and-done effort. Stop relying on outdated testimonials and client quotes on your website to establish credibility. We help you communicate evolving offers through powerful client results. You need consistent, fresh, and relevant social proof content promoted properly through your core channels.
  • Getting testimonials from clients is hard. But we make it easy. Experience has shown that clients are more receptive when a third party helps coordinate the “testimonial ask” from start to finish, aided by professional production to showcase you and your clients the right way.
  • Make the most of your and your prospects’ limited time. People are time-constrained. Everyone learns differently. Our program utilizes multiple content forms that are more consumable — video, graphic, audio, and the written word — to maximize how your audience interacts with information.
  • Enhance your odds of winning more deals. 97% of B2B customers cited testimonials and peer recommendations as the most reliable type of content. 75% of potential buyers rely on endorsements to choose vendors. Using customer testimonials regularly can generate approximately 62% more revenue.
  • Your sales team needs proof to back their efforts.